๑ Sortie d'album en Octobre 2012

Publié le par newspaperxrock

Kiss.jpg   the-birthday-massacre-hide-and-seek.jpg   sister_sin_now_and_forever.jpg

01/10 → Muse "The 2nd Law"

08/10 → The Arrs "Soleil noir"

08/10 → At The Skylines " The Secrets To Life"

08/10 → Sylosis "Monolith"

08/10 → The Birthday Massacre "Hide And Seek"

08/10 → Three Days Grace "Transit Of Venus"

08/10 → Undercroft "Ruins Of Gomorrah"

15/10 → Anberlin "Vital"

15/10 → Kiss "Monster"

22/10 → Sister Sin "Now And Forever"

22/10 → Stone Sour "The House Of Gold and Bones - Part 1"

Publié dans Sortie d'albums

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